

i have to say one thing about this woman, she is persistant. she has shown up on my doorstep everyday for the past three days....finnally today i decided i couldnt handle another skandal, so i left home early in the morning with the plan not to return until very late this evening. i just cant face her again. yesterday when i opened the door, she greeted me with "guess who?" then burst into (crocodile) tears and told me she felt like a parent and was worried sick. yeah right. i spoke to paul by telephone...he is planning on coming back from his hiding place today, which makes confrontation inevitable...he says he realises she is bad news and is going to stick firm..but i doubt it. he has caved many times before. if he sees her in front of him, he is likely to cave all over again. Meanwhile, Iain has used his power to have her officially banned from coming a certain number of metres near our flat...but i doubt that is really going to keep her away, as she has failed to heed all other warnings. theoretically, if she shows up one more time, the police will be formally involved, which if she persists, could result in her being expelled from the country (a police record would have her kicked out of her college, which means she would automatically loose her student visa) so fingers crossed...there is nothing i would like better than seeing that woman plopped on a plane back to Georgia!

1 commentaire:

naneh a dit…

not just any student- a phd student at CAMBRIDGE