so yesterday masha and i decided to make a tour of cambridge> paul, as a cambridge university phd student, gallantly aggreed to give us a tour of the colleges and obligatory pubs. this was a bonus because normally if you are a tourist you have to pay to go into the colleges, but if you hav a universtiy pass, you can take people in for free, which is very very nice. so we made the rounds of all the nice colleges....and then made the rounds of all the good pubs. we started early after paul made the classic freudian slip "so which pub do we go to? i mean what do you want to do?" so naturally, this meant the pickerel! this is supposed to be the oldest pub in cambridge, although god only knows how much truth is that. cambrdige is full of such legends. but everything was really nice and it didnt even rain to much...
then we headed for my favourite cambridge indian restaurant, maharaja. we spent over two hours there stuffing ourself with all kinds of delacacies, so much so that we could barely move when we finnally stood up. so in such a state we realised that there was little else to be done other than continue the hedoniam. so we went round to another bar, and drank a bit more....then we went back to pauls phenomenal library and drank tea....and then whisky. this was probably an unnesisary final excess which result in us collapsing into comas in our beds....
today was a phenomonally beautiful day, probably the most beautiful weather since i came to this country. it was warm and sunny, and we were walking about in shirts, without our jackets. so we decided to take a walk through the countryside...it was really beautiful, and at the end of the road was a nice pub....(pictures of that to follow)
good weather, good company- what else does one need?
agh, but now back to reality. my mother arrives tomarrow, i am going back to france on tuesday....and i have a paper to write. panic.
2 commentaires:
niiiiiiice!but I was wondering if will i get used to the English weather...i mean i like rain but i am not used to raining all the time...there's not much rain in Portugal, plently of sunlight is what we have...trying to prepare myself to endure it...when are you going back to UK after leaving this time? Next Fall?
i wont be back until the autumn after- september 2007! i have to do about 15 months research, and then depending on how things are going, i will come back! how long are you staying? wait for me!!!!!
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