i left for work early (by my standards) and was not in a rush to get home, given paul's skandal the night before. so i went to my university's lovely main library, seen in the pictures and tried to get some work done, but i cant say that i was especially successful. it was sunny and nice out and that made it ever so difficult to concentrate on anything serious. i printed of what i have of my first chapter so far and hopefully i will get around to editing it today. very little time remains for me in this country and i MUST take advantage of it, but i seem unable to. grr.
the light factor has really kicked in now, it stays light until after 20:00, and the sun is up again by 6 am. i found it really depressing in the winter when it was getting dark at 15:30, but now that it is light all the time, it is so hard to concentrate on work, i want to be out all the time taking advantage of the season. but soon i will be back in mother russia, where it stays light until much later....agh, my poor thesis!
but anyway, i finally got home last night to find that paul had seemingly forgot about the whole affair, and was behaving absolutely normally as if nothing had happened. a bit odd, but just as well i suppose. we chatted nicely and that was it. hmmm...
oh, and he has a date with a 20 polish girl tonight, fingers crossed that it goes well, the guy needs some happiness in his life!
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