i somehow managed to haul myself out of bed. a hard thing to do on a saturday morning, but i had things to do. so i got into the british library by 9:30 and went to check some stuff. the place is huge and ultra modern. i would have taken photos, but it isnt allowed, so i will have to find a much smaller and more spy-like camera than mine before i dare to foto that place.
the cafe in the library is nice, and i spent some time there while waiting for my books.
after about 2.5 hours in the library, i met Justin at King's Cross and we headed to South Kensington. we checked out the V&A there not long ago, and today it was the darwin centre and science museum. the building is incredible. it is worth going there just for the architecture. i dont know why my parents never took me there as a child, i guess they werent intrested enough in dinisaurs to want to spend a day among their bones. so i got dragged to endless old houses instead. i am not especially interested in dinosaurs myself, but there is still something impressive about seeing them in their full size and glory, and as i said, the building itself merits the visit. pictures are curtosy of Justin!
afterwards, we headed back to justin's place at finsbury park. justin is a serious cook. he prepared his own home-made soup as well as some lasagne-like aubergine and mozzerrella creation...i occassionally contributed to the effort by stirring a pot....the extent of my culinary abilities. the food was great....on the ride back home i was sitting next to a ukrainian woman and her spanish husband. they were having a lengthy private conversation that spanned their midlife crisis, their sex life (on this subject they would stop to make out, on the bloody train) and their (his) career. the woman was trying to persuade the guy to leave the uk.
given how widely spanish is understood all over the planet, you would think they might have been more discreet, but i guess not. but really, there are some things you dont want to have to listen to.
the cat needs new anti biotics to fight her ear mite infection. she goes made everytime she sees me with the ear dropped, and hands are covered in scratches. yuck.
3 commentaires:
hey cool, thanks for the tip about the wine, i will definately try that trick out...i like a good bottle of wine myself....
the cat is ok, but she has ear mites at the moment and i have to put antibiotic drops in her ears every night, which causes her to scratch me and then run around in circles for several minutes. it is all a bit odd. i hope you are well, where ever you are now .... melborne?
yéch! ear mites. my beloved Kamikaze had ear mites twice and i know it was not a nice thing to have to take care of. naneh:i hope you get better soon of all your sufferings!
the snow in lisbon yesterday lasted for 30m.the 1st time it snowed here in 52 years!!! everyone went out on the streets, all Lisboetas behaving like children, playing with the snow flakes and the ucranians immigrants also out happy BUT laughing at us, obviously!!
did you take any picture of the snow?????that would be a real souvenir, once in a lifetime thing!
as for the earmites, this is my second time with them also, i blame the evil collar, it prevents proper cleaning!
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