
my rock in the sea

6 commentaires:

Tatiana a dit…


Are you already back to rainy London?

naneh a dit…

yes i am....i got back just in time to be attacked by the savage winds that hit yesterday....the weather on gozo was considerably nicer, it was 18 adn sunny every day. and it got dark at about 5:30 instead of 4! hope you had a good time in the alps or whereever you were over the holidays!

Tatiana a dit…

Oh yeah, the winds were awful! And it's soooo cold (i've become so frileuse that i can't really understand how did i manage to survive in Moscow).

my holidays were great... first the Alps, then a family Christmas in Lorrain, then a fantastic NY in Montpellier (+16, yeah, and flowers!)

naneh a dit…

in moscow there was better heating systems! it is 8 degrees here but still my flat is freezing!

Tatiana a dit…

heating in my flat is pretty good (especially since we've not seen the bills yet, lol), but i'm quite comfortable when the temperature in my room is just slightly over 16 degrees...

going outside is my main problem! not today though... the weather seems to be improving at last.

naneh a dit…

my room is always freezing. i think it is cause i am in an attic. when it gets really cold the cat goes under my duvet and refuses to come out. it is kind of sad. at those moments i miss my moscow flat.