it was christmas (on the orthodox calender) last weekend, and oleg and his wife natasha came from moscow to london to celebrate it. we ended up at a pub, where we were joined by 4 other russians, who were apparently old classmates of oleg's. not surprisingly, we marked this great occasion with large amounts of alcohol and greasy food. we all ate and drank too much and i had great difficulty stumbling home. it was nice to get the latest news from moscow. in the couple of months i have been gone, oleg has ledt his job, and he tells me that masha (another acquaintaince) has too. he is now working on his own stuff, but he has got lots of nice offers to go elsewhere as well, and he has yet to decide what he will actually do, besides drink in london pubs!he brought me tons of dvds, and i look forward to watching them all...when i get the time
and the school has restarted after the winter break. max got back from poland, and we went out to a pub to catch up on the latest from that side of the continent, and i had my Big Exam Part Two with my supervisors and the head of the school i am in. it was a bit odd. i think my supervisor is annoyed with me, but at least i passed in the end....which is i suppose what matters.
and the school has restarted after the winter break. max got back from poland, and we went out to a pub to catch up on the latest from that side of the continent, and i had my Big Exam Part Two with my supervisors and the head of the school i am in. it was a bit odd. i think my supervisor is annoyed with me, but at least i passed in the end....which is i suppose what matters.
6 commentaires:
Who's that getting arrested in the photo?!!
not anyone i know, fortunately!!!....i was focussing on the pub, not what was happening outside it!
why is wendy annoyed with you?
well it is OVER i suppose that is the key, no?
now i just have to write the bloody thing, how many years will THAT take?
Phew, thank goodness for that!
And yes, congratulations on the exam. And enjoy your well-deserved break on this empty island of yours.
sometimes it is nice to have a break from the real world...
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