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4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

he he he!
where is this? this weekend i went to lisbon's only russian supermarket for the first time. will go back for more "goodies".
how are you naneh?
this is the last day of a 4-day weekend for me - it felt like small vacations - i also have an aussie friend visiting, which is always fun.she is on her way to london to do a MA at LSE. And you, when are you moving?

naneh a dit…

am off in multiples, ugh
what did you buy in the super market? smetana?

Anonyme a dit…

well i bought балтика (he he...) ; сметана; чай и варенье смородиновое. and some russian cookies. will go back to try other things.

naneh a dit…

OOOH i miss those cookies sooooo much......hell if i live in western europe any longer i might even start to miss smetana, which i was never that keen on...but absence makes the heart grow fonder...or at least nostalgic..