
intros of sorts

Well i got the beginings of a job today: i get my own class which will run from now until december. The bad news is that it is only 6 hours a week, so not that much money. But who knows, maybe it will become more later if they need more hours.
All of the introduction stuff started at the faculty today. About 120 of us post grads got stuck into a room for 2 hours to listen to a series of speakers tell us we had chosen the best institute on the planet and so on and so forth. I have reached the conclusion that all introduction weeks in all western universities are the same and all equally boring and pretentious.
Audrey m’a appelée de travail pour me dire cou cou, pour un instant paris m’a manquée, mais c’était un petit moment qui est passé bien vite! Elle n’a pas gagné la place qu’elle a voulu pour faire son DEA, et elle croit que veut aller à la étrangère pour le faire. J’ai l’impression que tout le monde me raconte la même histoire…et maintenant je suis très occupée, je joue au Tue-Le-Souri avec le chat. On joue sans arrête depuis quatre ans, mais évidement elle n’est pas encore fatiguée…

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

The only thing I have to(MUST) say is: AAAAAARRRRRRGGGG!
(p.s. Sorry for using your blog as an anger relieving channel)
I will be back later in a better mood!

naneh a dit…

hey whats going on?

Anonyme a dit…

I am just (still) angry with everything that surrounds me! Arrrrggg. Nothing in particular, this country and its people in general!

naneh a dit…

hey i cannot sympathise too much, it is pissing rain and cold here, and i imagine in portugal it is slightly more pleasant! furthermore, you have nice pasteries and good looking guys!