"1го сентября будет год с момента событий в Беслане. Событий трагических, самой большой трагедии аланского народа.Я призываю всех, кто разделяет скорбь народа Алании, зажечь 1го сентября 2005 года свечи и поставить их на своих окнах, пусть свечи в наших окнах покажут родителям, потерявшим своих детей, и детям, потерявшим своих родителей, что они не одни, что с ними скорбят многие. Пусть эти свечи горят в память о погибших.Друзья, если вы согласны с такой идеей, продублируйте этот пост у себя в журналах. Давайте покажем, что мы - люди."
источник: mio milano
2 commentaires:
I thought I was being all smart by going to a website to have your posting translated from russian. But to no avail....
ygo of September will be yr from the moment of events in Beslane. The events of tragic, largest tragedy of alanskogo naroda.Ya I call all, who share grief of the people Of alanii, to light up ygo of September of 2005 of spark plug and to place them on their windows, let the spark plugs in our windows show parents, who lost their children, and to children, who lost their parents, that they are not some, that with them skorbyat many. Let these spark plugs burn into the memory against pogibshikh.Druz'ya, if you are agreeable with this idea, double this post in yourselves periodicals. Give let us show that we - people." the source: mio milano
I the end, I still don't know what you said, or Mio for that matter.
How are you. Been a while. Was thinking about you the other day. Met an expat journalist who lives in the 3ieme...
Agh the perils of computer translators! at least the nouns seem to have made it through ok...the problem is russian uses different grammer constructions...but actually the article is one that has been circulating on alot of russian blogs: it is in memory of the tragic events that happened 01.09.04 in beslan in the north kavkaz. Sticking the article on the blog is meant to be a sign on solidarity.
how is london?
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