
paris, 10 years later

yaelle, solenne, and i: the three musketeers.
we gathered tuesday night in a restaurant in the 6th to celebrate our "10th anniversary." it seems incredible, but it was exactly 10 years ago this coming month (august) that the three of us all decided to move en masse to montreal. we packed our bags and hauled ourselves off to that cold and far away city where we spent a year huddled in various bars and cafes pretending to study for our classes (we signed up for all the same ones, bien sur). it was good time. during the school breaks, we headed off to my parents house, since they lied the closest, except for the one massive and crazy trip we planned together to venezuela. we were teenagers then and busy plotting crazy adventures.....and it was all now 10 years ago. we gathered in the restaurant and noticed that we look more or less the same, although many things in our lives have changed. yaelle and solenne still live in permanantly in paris, which is where i always imagined they woudl end up....but i am now seperated and living elsewhere. funny how life sends us in different directions like that....

2 commentaires:

Tatiana a dit…

you are an amazing person, you know

you really inspire me

don't know why i am telling that now, but still..

naneh a dit…

ha ha , i am blushing....