
east london

my neighbours are having the most incredible house party imaginable. i can hear their music as clearly as if it were on my own computer. they have erected a huge tent structure with all kinds of exciting flashing lights.
then our next door neighbours, "the poles" are having their evening drinking and smoking chats on their back patio. these guys must be really homesick peasants as it seems they have endevoured to recreated village poland here in london. one of them is an incredibly skilled carpentor. he has put various quasi add-ons to the house, and a bit wood shed in the back. then he constructed a huge WIND MILL (yes, like the things holland is famous for) and put one of them on the patio. then an arch-like enterence to the patio was added. then last week a little waterfall appeared. i am waiting for the appearence of some pigs or cows, that is surely the logical next step. our downstairs neighbours are italians with drug habits. the other night they apparently had a massive fight, and i havent heard them since, which is unusual since they normally blast cheesy italian disco pop music every night, which i cant say i miss in this moment of silence.
it was a quiet day in the library, so many people are gone on holiday that it has become a bit depressing to sit there, especially on friday afternoons. so i finished the minimum i had to and left. i grabbed some films on the way home and came back to relax in the calm of my east london attic. i rewatched la historia official, which i hadnt seen in years. it remains as disturbing and powerful as ever. then i moved on to mne ni bolna, which is an incredibly light and funny film for the heavy topics it deals with (poverty, cancer). next up was edgardo cozarinsky's ronda nocturnal, about a (very good looking) buenos aires street hustler. the film was filled withr eally good looking gay guys, and some seriously odd scenes. i very rarely take evenings off like this, but i wish i could more often....

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