my aunt came into town yesterday for a very brief visit enroute between the cotswells and florida. she flys through like this a few times a year, normally intransit between the cotswells and somewhere else (last time it was botswana!)
we had a ggreat day going through various museum exibits. first we went to the holbein at the Tate britain, which was interesting and well put together, although i cannot say that i am realy a great holbein fan. comparitively, i liked the Vélasquez show more.
but then we hopped a cab to the V&A, where we saw an AMAZING expo on renaissance italian interiors. i hadnt been expecting very much out of it, since it didnt really sound like my sort of thing, but i was completely impressed. the exhibit showed tuscan and venetian style houses between 1400 and 1600. it concentrated on how they were constructed and what purpose each room served. the emphasis waas on everyday life and its rituals, and i really learned a lot about how people actually lived then, their habits, their hygeine and so on. it was truely fascinating.
after the show, we went to the V1A restaurant for lunch and overate (of course) and then briefly back to my aunts hotel for tea and so she could change her clothes for a meeting she had to go to....the holtel was expensive and incredible as always, and my aunt always gets the best service imaginable, since she works in the travel industry (and is thus in a position to recommend various hotels to many rich people). afterwards i went of to work and my aunt to meetings and some musical. it is fun to have visiters from time to time!
4 commentaires:
What on earth are "the cotswells". I know a very charming range of hills between Oxford and Gloucester full of gorgeous villages, steep climbs and limestone churches called The Cotswolds, but you couldn't mean that. Could you?
Keep flogging those books!
of course you are right. i cannot spell anything, and certainly not english place names. thank you for the correction.
as for the books....i am doing my best to support the industry!
And lets hope one day - when you're published yourself - the industry will suppport you!
All the best mate.
good point....i suppose the lesson i have learned is: if you want to be a writer, always be nice to people who work in book shops, they decide whose book gets bought and whose doesnt.
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