so now that i have a job with a fixed (more or less) schedule, i have started to get going on what i am actually supposed to be doing here, ie my research. i have finished a draft of my first chapter and am waiting for my supervisor to approve it...i sent the email ages ago, but i havent heard a word back and i dont know if that is a good or a bad sign....but , well, i will wait.
meanwhile i have started reading my primary sources. i have nearly 50 kilos worth. they all arrived by special post delivary to justins house. they arrived primitively wrapped in brown paper bags held together by string tightly tied by babushka hands over the summer at the post office at chisti prudi. they are now on my over filling IKEA book shelf, waiting to be read. so i start this past weekend. i figured it was best to start at the begining, so i took the oldest one, from 1810 and started reading. the reading is a bit slow, although it is picking up now that i have got used to the different spellings and slightly different words. had the writer lived today, i think he could have been tried for inciting racial hatred at the least. in the last chapter he spent the night sleeping in a field, after he discovered that the owner of the (only) inn in the town where he found himself was jewish. i cant wait to find out what he writes when he actually reaches his destination: the ottoman empire.
more to follow
meanwhile i have started reading my primary sources. i have nearly 50 kilos worth. they all arrived by special post delivary to justins house. they arrived primitively wrapped in brown paper bags held together by string tightly tied by babushka hands over the summer at the post office at chisti prudi. they are now on my over filling IKEA book shelf, waiting to be read. so i start this past weekend. i figured it was best to start at the begining, so i took the oldest one, from 1810 and started reading. the reading is a bit slow, although it is picking up now that i have got used to the different spellings and slightly different words. had the writer lived today, i think he could have been tried for inciting racial hatred at the least. in the last chapter he spent the night sleeping in a field, after he discovered that the owner of the (only) inn in the town where he found himself was jewish. i cant wait to find out what he writes when he actually reaches his destination: the ottoman empire.
more to follow
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