so i started my new job over the weekend, and am now on day three.
basically it is like being back in secondary school. i used to have a lot of these kinds of service jobs. i had thought i had put them behind me when i got a BA, but it seems not. so i am working at a book shop, as a salesgirl. my last sales girl job finished nearly a decade ago in 1997, if i remember correctly. but one has to eat, and this is what i got. that said the work is brainless and even kind of fun. almost everyone is is a student. most of them are doing degrees in dubiously employable fields such as creative writing and arts semiotics, and generally at universities i have not heard of. there are a number of would be future writers among the employees. but everyone seems nice and friendly, and they all know a lot about literature, so at least they make for interesting conversation. the funny thing is the head of finance for the place is russian (from ukraine actually, but ethnic russian) and so i had all my training in russian, which i thought was a little surreal in a bookshop in central london. but, hey, she likes me, and keeps saying how amazing it is that i speak russian, so i am not complaining. actually i get to speak all kinds of languages int he place, since there are tourista from allover, but especially france and spain (there are germans to, but they inevitably speak impeccable english) i even helped a serbian couple yesterday.....they bought 120 pounds worth of agatha cristie.....wierd, huh?
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