
again, no comment

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Oh, God.. these guys are my mom's nightmare

naneh a dit…

it is the picture above that are my nightmare, am contemplating full fledged war against socks and sandals.

Anonyme a dit…

what's wrong with socks and sandals? i mean it's not the most beautiful way to wear sandals, but..

naneh a dit…

socks and sandals. i dont know. i just cant stand that....it just wasnt meant to be in my opinion....unless you are german and over 45....perhaps it is my personal problem?

Anonyme a dit…

well, i've seen socks and sandals in vogue some time ago... :)))

i'm rather indifferent
but i really can't stand boots WITHOUT socks

naneh a dit…

ok i agree about boots without socks, not for fashion reasons but because it is uncomfortable, your skin sweats and sticks tot eh leather-gross!