
hyun soo, part II

hyun soo had his big interview for the school last night by telephone. i was as nervous as if it were my own interview. masha and i tried to prepare him at the weekend, but of course non of the quesitons we asked him actually appeared in the read interview. it seems they asked him alot on psychologically based ones instead of the academic variants we thought of. for example, they wanted to know what he would do if his best friend did something that hurt him, and so on. i presume that was because it was an interview for a boarding school place? i dont know. but now we are all waiting nervously for the answer. we should know in two-three days. fingers crossed.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

he will be ok. he is smart and kind.
"well manered boy", you know )))

naneh a dit…

i know i know, lets just hope he gets in so he can be his well mannered self in canada