this morning i went to an interesting photo expo at manezh, and i recomend all of you in moscow to go see it (but hurry, it ends this next week). the photographer vladimir mishukov went around to different families houses and just took photos of them where ever they wanted. the result is an amazing view of russian families and their surroundings. a variety of different social classes were present, but on the whole the majority were not particulary well off (although there was one family that looked like something out of the bonfire of the vanieties). many of the flats featured the standard tapachki and carpet on the wall, and it often appeared that families were living in cramped quarters, which i suppose reflects reality. the family in the picture i attacted is that of a postman, who has 11 children. the note said that until the 6th was born they lived in a 13 square metre room. i know that is common here, but i dont know anyone myself living in such a state...
anyway, the expo was great, and now time for lunch!
2 commentaires:
I would love to see it.
it was really great, dont know if it will make it to lisbon though!
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