the pukh has started falling. actually it has been ruthlessly attacking us for the past several days. it rained yesterday, and we all hoped that this would cure the problem, but i think it will take another such downpour to completely rid the city of this menace.
for those of you who have never had the dubious pleasure of spending a june in moscow, i suppose you will not know what this pukh. i myself have no idea how to translate the word into english, or any other language, as i have never encountered it anywhere out side russia.
basically there is this tree that some idea decided to plant all over moscow, and every june its leaves turn white and this purh stuff starts falling and floating through the air. basically it gives the impression that it is snowing all over the city, even though it is warm. everywhere you go there is this stuff falling and blowing about in the air. it gets in your eyes. and you ears and mouth. people with allergies wheeze and get horrid symptoms. when you walk down the street is looks like there is a blizzard, and when you drive it hits the window pane but never sticks.
everyone complains about it, but there appears to be no solution to the problem, other than to wait for enough rain to wash it out of the trees and into the gutters.
6 commentaires:
the pukh (it is the fluff from that Balsam Poplar tree, right?) would make my nose fall from my face...even the beautiful falling flowers of the Jacarandá trees - that populate the streets of Lisbon - make my nostrils itchy and my eyes cry. nuisance
i suppose that is the tree it is from...fortunately i dont have any respitory problems, but the people here who do are sneezing away.
so dont come to moscow in mid june! the pukh lasts for about 2 weeks, basically until most of it falls down and then it rains....
Oh, there is Pukh in Berlin! Living in a penthouse, just under the roof, my choice now in the hot days of June is between letting my flat become a sauna (Option 1: windows closed) or a cotton field (Option 2: windows opened). Bought a small hand-held hoover that I keep all time next to me: it's fun to catch flying pukh with it while watching football on TV.
there is pukh in berlin!? shit, i didnt know, i thought it was a russian phenomnom!
do you not have air condititioning?
no aircon, just big windows and a small fan. i spend suny days in the park, with an indian cloth mat and books
hope your park has fewer drunk homeless people than the one near me!
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