

so i am back in the motherland.
it has been a while. i was here on holiday 18 months ago, but i havent actually lived here in three years. just long enough to forget how it is necessary to push everyone in front of you on the metro....and other useful tidbits.
things started out suitably eventfully. my luggage was overwieght so i had to go pay the people at the aeroflot stand at ferihegy 2 in budapest.
of course the office was run by a babyshka who spoke only russian.
of course they didnt accept credit cards or hungarian money.
so i had to go to the bank machine and take out forints, only to then change them into dollars (as they didnt take euros either) then the baba looked at my documents and made a nasty comment about english people. i finnaly pointed out that i am not english, at which point it occured to her i was speaking russian....this changed her mood. by the time i told her i was a graduate of moscow state university, she was positively ecstatic. she then started telling me what an evil place london is...she had gone once on holiday, and she just couldnt believe how many darked skinned people she had seen. why did the english let them in? whats worse, she heard they were even allowed to marry white people! can you imagine? the horror! they should all be sent back where they are from and not be allowed to corrupt european blood. but then english blood is already corrupted, according to her...
there were a few things about russian, like blantent racism, i didnt miss!

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

i can't help being utterly shocked by these eastern european/russian racist comments. jesus! these babuskas are evil!how did they turn out this way? i can't take it, really. i mean Portuguese people can be pretty racist towards "dark skinned people" (ironic is that i am pretty sure that most of us Portuguese would be considered "black" in russia...)but we are rarely like this...and yes we do LOVE to "mingle"("luso-tropicalismo", you know, it is not only a myth). i guess it must be a "real horror" for the ukrainians and russians here to be working in portugal side by side with the angolans, mozambicans, cape verdians,sao tomean, etc...all in the same boat. sigh

Anonyme a dit…

ok ok i give you credit for that statement - "Funny how most people simply refuse to see how racist their own countries can be". true. but when i said "like that" i meant as open as most russians are about it.and about police behavior in Portugal - yeah, but it is not only with foreigners or Africans...and yes i admite that Portuguese society received the east european immigrants (mostly white, blonde, blue eyed) much better than they did others...and the comparisons with the Africans started immediately...

Anonyme a dit…

oh, please
tell us smth nice, ah?
we all know about babushkas and everything...

can't reply your sms, still have no credit

tell me about Leninka, when you get there. the last place i miss in moscow, i guess

Anonyme a dit…

naneh text moi from moscow, please, so i can have your russian number

naneh a dit…

i sat down to 7 comments on my babushka entry, to my great surprise.
yes all societies have racism in some degree, from portugal to korea (just say"japan" to a korean and you will see what i mean) what disturbs me in moscow is firstly the openness with which it is expressed, the tolerance for on the part of the authorities, and the fact that it is increasing dramatically.
i have been here since sunday night, and i have been stopped by the police 3 times already, so about once a day.
and yes, lemurana, most russians would classify portuguese as "black" especially the men!
but then you do have all that moorish blood mixed in you....right?

naneh a dit…

and ok masyamba i will try to think of something more cheery...um, like what?