to the disgust of a romanian girl named daniela, i have invited myself into the ceu history department phd lab. i know this is technically not allowed, as i belong to another university now, but since i know everyone here and i know their computer login passwords, i dont really see the problem. it is not like i am bothering anyone, except, it would seem daniela. but i am sure she will recover.
last night i went out for another round of drinking with Masha, Vlado and Simina...we stayed in one of my old haunts near liszt ferenc ter until the staff kicked us out at around 2 am. then masha and i walked home and i collapsed into bed...but my sleep cycle is totally messed up from all the aeroplanes...so even though i fell asleep easily and quickly, i woke up 4 hours later utterly unable to get back to sleep. so being the maniac that i sort of am sometimes, i got up and started typing a paper that i have been trying to finish recently... i am doing two variants, one in English and the other in Russian. We will see which gets done first, but i managed to get in about 4-5 hours of work before masha got up at 11 or so. i was very envioug of her long sleep....probably i should buy some sleeping pills today...i need to get back onto some sort of sheduale before i start work next monday!
but the drinks were great, and so were the jokes, and i am just enjoying being back in the ceu phd lab, even if this time i around i am not supposed to be here.
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