see the picture of the room with all the CDs. frightening isnt it? and that is only a small proportion, one wall of one room. Dan has more CDs than anyone i have ever met...by far...max claims he has more CDs than virgin megastore...so when my hard drive crashed a while back it was to dan i went for help. helpfully he put a few hundred albums onto DVDs for me, so get my computer stocked up again.

i have him to thank for introducing me to romanian rap. who would have thought the genre even existed? we went out for drinks a few time this week...i guess it will be the last round for a while as i am off soon. i have been having such "last rounds" with many people lately. last night Igor and i went to our favourite pub and got royally sloshed. i expected to feel awful today, but curiously i felt absolutely fine...sometimes that just happens though. i will miss the pub culture when i am back in russia. it is not that i enjoy heavy drinking so much (and it is not like there is nothing to drink in russia!), it is just nice to have a centrally located place where you can meet up with friends with out having to bother with cleaning and supplies, as you would have to if you met up with them at your own house. so this is definately one thing i will miss. i will also miss the openness, and being able to have friends from all over the place. to be sure, i have friends from all over the place in moscow too, but avoiding the militsia is a always a major topic of conversation, and a major source of concern. it isnt here, and i appreciate that.
at the moment the weather is incredibly beautiful, but that has not been the case for most of the time i have lived here, so i aill not put that on my list of things to be missed, nor will i include the trains which are so notorious that i dont even think i need to comment further. but i will include the libraries, which are some of the best i have seen/used, i will remember them with great nostalgia this coming autumn as i am sitting in the lenin library for hours on end, filling out useless pieces of paper and waiting countless hours for my book to be retreaved from some distant storage shelf....
7 commentaires:
Russian libraries remind me a lot of Portuguese ones! Lots in common between them...e-mail me before you leave for mother Russia...I have no news from SSEES yet.gggrrrr. the news this week is that "the office" (where i work) was broken in and robbed. craaazy. meaning i have to be there but i have nothing to work in...ha!
gosh it sounds like things are just falling apart there in your office...well as i said CALL SSEES...not just once, but non stop, every 2 or 3 days. they are really disorganised and you have to put alot of pressure on them. actually the first time i applied they told me that they "just didnt have time to get around to my application that year" you really have to be a bit aggressive with them....
Yeah. I could tell they are disorganized (and compared to CREES, UBirmingham, SSEES is really VERY disorganized) Anyway, I will call them next monday. Probably I will get the same kind of answer you did...
keep harrassing, it is the only way to deal with them! (trust me, i know, the whole place is disorganised, do you think it is an attempt to achieve national authenticity? i do sometimes feel that i am back in the motherland....except these SSEES people dont take bribes!
ohhh, don't be so nostalgic. moscow is not that horrible, and it's cheaper. we'll have nice time there this summer, i am sure about that.
i know i know...this is my problem, i am always moving and consequently always nostalgic...ok not always. i am nostalgic about buda....but not about paris....and when i was in buda i was nostal;gic about moscow, so you get the idea....
look at the bright side. there are always palces you want to go to, no problems for holiday plans
and there are always people whom you want to visit
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