
deep thoughts

Attended my first friday staff meeting yesterday. We sat around and had a competition to see who could do the best immitation of a korean student. We then went through essays one of the teachers collected from her class. The assignment was to compare the students home city and london. My favourite went: “there are many differences between shanghai and london. The first is a bicycle.” Hmmm, we wondered, is this a mistake, or a thought so deep we all missed it?

2 commentaires:

G.M. ERADES a dit…

So, how's the weather over there?

I so much do not miss the academia... but of course, out in the real world life is shallow: I've been thinking about Shanghai bikes for a couple of days now.

What make me decide to go and check it out myself. So I'll be in Shanghai in 3-4 weeks, if Chinese authorities behave.

On Saturday I'm leaving for Tibet (5 days overland to reach Lhasa) and from there I'l try to make it to the East Coast (not NY, but Shanghai, bien entendu).

naneh a dit…

well i can ask my student about the bike buying opportunities in shanghai if you like...although i think the point of her essay was that there are more bicycles here in europe than in shanghai...at least i think that was her point...but then i am not really certain...
enjoy the overland trek, i hope you have a lot of clean socks!