Thank god it is the end of the week. It was a long one. I did overtime to get extra cash and look good in front of my new boss. I am sure i will be grateful when i get the pay at the end of the month, but i am exhausted and i have been neglecting my studies, which are the reason why i came to this country in the first place. I have learned about various world cultures and nationalities. I have reached the conclusions that:
Korean girls all act like they are 11 years old, regardless of their real age.
Korean men are lazy and a bit arrogant
Japanese girls are either over conscientous or insane
Italians fall into 2 categories: hyper intellectual or joker
The rumours about swedes are true: they have no sense of humour
The spanish are cliqueish and speak their own language, regardless of whether the person they are speaking to understands or not.
The german girls look awful
The turkish men are funny and clever but unbelieveably lazy. Their main interests seem to be whisky and cigarettes....good muslim boys that they are! Turkish girls are more serious, but less gifted, or at least not as well prepared
The taiwanese rarely open their mouths, unless forced to
The french all speak atrocious english. Despite the fact that 40 percent of vocabulary in english are derived from french, they are hopeless.
The czech/slovak/polish girls are nice and ambitous...the men are sad lumps of pudgy flesh
Hungarian girls are funny party types...there are no hungarian men
The saudi men are spoilt and incredibly wealthy...there are no saudi women
The south american men go out of their way to appear to make no effort, although i think they do work at home, but just are embaressed to admit it in front of the others.
The russians are without exception rich...and they want to be richer
The danes and the chinese are colourless
And the english....well they are english...
This Friday’s staff meeting topic: who can do the best Tomoko imitation. Tomoko is a student from osaka. She is completely insane. If she so much as trips she goes running up to the administrators “go gp..i go gp, see gp” she drives us all crazy. We have contests to see how we can avoid teaching her...the other japanese students scatter whenever she appears...people like that shouldnt be allowed to leave their home country.....