
dodgy pubs

i hate the start of the week. i really dread it. there is always so much that needs to get done and the feeling that i will not suceed in doing everything i have to do.
the alarm clock woke me out of bed as i had agreed to do some early morning overtime at a place where i sometimes work to get extra cash...then the evening i spent holed up in one of the top floors of senate house trying to get things together for my huge exam in october. you might wonder why i am panicing now over an exam that is 7 months away, but i assure you it is with good reason. i have about 80 pages of original work that i have to get together and submit before then, nevermind a pile of books to read....so i am starting to stress.
finnally, when my brain could take no more, and senate house was moving into its late night tomb mode, i decided i need something strong to drink. so i met max (the polish guy from the "managing YOUR phd seminar") and we went to the dodgiest of dodgy student pubs. it was one of those places where you feet stick to the floor as you walk. we drank and noted that whatever england's problems may be, there is still nothing worse than france. it seems max also had the dubious pleasure of killing of some months there, so we agreed that RIBs are the most pointless things ever invented, and reministed about the various bureaucratic struggles we had undertaken, and agreed that even poland and russia were much more efficient, which pretty much says it all i guess.
then i stumbled onto the train and headed home. and now i am looking out the window through which i can see that it is pissing rain....again

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