This country is culinary heaven. I have always travelled on my stomach, but rarely do I fine countries where the hungry beast of my innards if truly satisfied. This is partly my fault. I am, after all, a vegetarian (by allergy, not by choice) and this makes it harder. India remains my all time food favourite, but I think Malaysia will join Thailand close to the top of my food list. Part of the reason I like it is the huge variety: as the advert has been telling us for the past decade, Malaysia is truly Asia. There is a real mix of the continent here, with large Malay, Chinese and Indian populations. Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism all exist side by side. Culturally, the mix is fascinating. From the culinary perspective, it is divine. One thing I love about Asia is that it is one of the only places where hotels serve a breakfast I actually want to eat. I hate the continental breakfasts that most hotels in Europe and the Americas serve, so I was delighted to go downstairs this morning to find the European stuff on one side, and the rice, soup, eggs and vegetables on the other. I attacked gleefully. The prices also help. I had a delicious lunch in a small restaurant in Chinatown for under 1 pound, so I splurged for dinner- I spent 2 pounds and had a feast!! Everything was so fresh and tasteful, I was in heaven. My biggest dilemma has been- is it acceptable to have something you KNOW you like again, for the pleasure of it, or should you force yourself to try something new? I seem to consistently end up doing both.
2 commentaires:
now i know, you actually travel to save money :)
are you back to europe?
we need to catch up!
the sad thing is that is true. every time i go away on holiday i find i spend less than if i were in london buying my food in the supermarket. maybe i should just travel indefinately?
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