
cape horn

The nausea comes in waves. It hit me first. We were leaving the dining room when I started to feel a bit wonky. They claim looking at the horizon helps, but it makes me feel worse. Thing is, I don’t like going up to the 10th floor lookout point since at this point south, it is really cold and windy, plus I think things sway more up there. although I have a great view of the horizon, from my window I cant look at it without also seeing the huge crashing waves below. So I try not looking out at all. I close my eyes and curl up in a ball on my bed. Drinking sprite helps. After a while it passes
But then it hits my dad, and he deals with these things worse than I do. I give him medication. We both nibble ginger. This is the roughest sea passage in the world, we have talked to people who have been on 30-40 cruises and no one has experienced something like this before. At first the waves are “only” 25 feet high (according to the captain) and we come within sight of cape horn, but there is no chance of landing. Then the storm strikes and things get much much worse. At my age I am more stable on my feet than my father, so I stumble up to reception to ask for the drugs….they make me feel like the beetle in kafka’s metamorphosis, I am climbing on the walls, spinning through tunnels, soaring on a rainbow….and praying for land.

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