every time i move to a different place (which is every few months) i have to go through this ritual of The Lasts. this is The Last Time I Will Do This This Time Around.
it is a depressing but i suppose necessary ritual.
so saturday was the Last Meal with the Chos. it was already an incomplete meal: hyun soo wasnt there. we went to the korean restaurant in the mezhdunarodnaia hotel and went over board eating. we had all my favourite foods including bibinbop....mmm...then there was a particularly interesting dish: korean pizza (as the chos described it) made from octopus. the little suckers on the tentacles looked a bit odd, but caitlin claimed it tasted alright.....hyun ho was being a little comic and entertained us all. afterwards caitlin and i said goodbye to masyamba, who left a few hours later for budapest.
next stop was Last Coffee with My Supervisor. we met at tratakovskaia and caught up on my research and his institutes needs. i now have a series of requests/ tasks to bring up to my other english supervisor (who is actually australian) when i see her on wednesday. my old supervisor is a funny guy, talking to him always makes me giggle. my favourite part of the conversation was when he asked me what my current supervisors' specialties are. so i told him that my first supervisor is interested in postcolonialism and masculinities. my old supervisor thought about this and asked "muzh est?" ie: has she got a husband? when i told him my second supervisors specialty is child suicide, he just looked completely confused.
yesterday was The Last Brunch and Bimbo Shopping With Caitlin. we over ate and overspent to mark the occasion. we had omlets and sirniki at a cafe near her house and then went down novi arbat to sultanna frantsuzova where i bought a suit and a jumper, telling myself that they would be a lot more expensive in london, and i mean, a girl always needs a suit!
today is The Last Trip to the Book shop, The Last Coffee With Caitlin, The Last Round of Drinks With Igor and The Last Restaurant Adventure With Vladimir and Oleg.
these lasts are tiring me out. i just went through them all 4 months ago when i left london! and i am sure they will all repeat again soon.
but life moves on, next stop: TALLINN
4 commentaires:
you know, it is even worse when you arrive somewhere. and all of a sudden you meet people you knew years ago
i know i know, soon there will be an entry "the firsts all over again" just like when i arrived in moscow and i had to have the First Coffee with everyone....
how do we stop this process? maybe by just never moving from our flats? such dilemmas....
shit, now that i was thinking of moving to moscow...
why were you thinking of moving there? when?
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