in the middle of my shift at the bookshop, james walked up to me and handed me a sheet of paper, reading
drab as a fool, aloof as a bard
a man, a plan, a canal: panama
I smirked at his pedantry and snarkily informed him I am generally more interested in content than form.
But then, this week, back in my cubicle, I started thinking in desperation and boredom:
Коростели летели, летели, ..., летели лет сорок
Socorram-me subi no onibus em Marrocos
I topi non avevano nipoti
Then I remember that when it comes to linguistic formalism, the hungarians always go over board:
Kis erek mentén, láp sík ölén odavan a bánya rabja: jaj, Baranyában a vadon élő Kis Pálnét nem keresik
such a strange tongue. no wonder the country produces so many scientists, if you can manage that, you can probably come up with anything.
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