
at the travel agents

i walked into my regular travel agent today. they already think i am crazy, but i am used to that.
"hello, i am going on a strange trip and i need a ticket, but it is kind of wierd and i dont know if you can do it."
the woman looked at me slightly patronizingly and asked what the ticket was. when i told her i wanted a mercosur air pass to get me to chile via paraguay and that i would be making my way to rio via the falklands...she asked me to come back the next day, as apparently she needed to speak to a manager.
i am looking forward to this latest strange plot in my head. my dad and i are going off on this odd trek together, and he has already got his maps out and is pouring through his old spanish grammar books. that is what i like most about travel actually: planning it and preparing for it is half the fun.

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