funny the things people get obsessed about.
there is a woman who comes every day to the national library. my friends and i call her the susan sontag look alike as it seems she is delibrately cultivating such an image (long grey hair with one streak of black in the middle, dresses as badly as possible etc). i have walked by her desk a few times from which i have deduced she must be studying on the indian caste systems...or something like that, based on the books on her desk.
anyway, she always sits in the EXACT same seat everyday, and she arrives exactly at opening in order to secure that spot, which she holds for herself until closing. but today her world was turned upside down.
i was sitting in a seat of my own (choosen randomly) when i heard a loud, animal like growling sound coming from behind me, i turned around to see the womans eyes blazing and her nostrils flairing. i followed her gaze to see what caused this fury and sure enough, the unthinkable had happened, she arrived 10 minutes after opening, and someone had taken her seat!! she flipped, stormed over to the guy (no doubt a first time user) and demanded he move....but his english was apparently dificient as he kept raising his hands in confusion and gesturing with confused raised eyebrows. finnally she sat in another seat and preceded to slap her documents on the desk loudly. a proper freak show.
i hope this isnt what happens to people if they spend too much time in libraries, if i start doing things like that, someone please hit me. hard.
3 commentaires:
Haven't been there for a while but I have noticed that you usually sit in the same corner. It's not the same table yet but you're getting there. You're still well dressed though.
not true! i deny it!
ok this is a challenge, i shall play musical chairs from now on!
You can pay the next coffee round and I'll forget it - maybe.
As for your Falkland trip, I can see where you got your freakish nature from. You still have to paddle down a mountain river in the Canadian NW Territories to beat my streak though. So try harder.
At any rate, you should (again) watch 'Noticias diarios' (Or something like that. My Spanish is letting me down.)and 'Bonbon el perro' before you embark on your journey. And maybe your army contact can give you some advice too...
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