

since i left moscow, my old supervisor got appointed director of a huge institute within the academy of science. this is a pretty important position, maybe even the most important position in the country in our field.
i have to say this about him, he takes care of his people and former students. lots of people, when they get appointed to such a position start ignoring the people they once talked to. in london, a professor whose class i went to out of pure interest also recently got made director of the school i go to. last year, he was and friendly, now that he is the director, he doesnt answer emails and doesnt recognise me in the hall any more. i have become invisible to his power. no so with my russian supervisor. since being elected director (which is often a position for life!) he has done everything possible to promote me, giving me my first book contract within months of getting his position.
and so i was in moscow to talk about my book and to pick up some free copies. it felt kind of wierd. i arrived at the academy of science and was greeted, by name, by a man who said he would be my guide. this guide gave me a complete tour of the place. we went all oer the (enormous) building so i could see everything from the bar to the museum. then we went into the "directors office" where my supervisor was giving instructions to everyone via telephone and a squad of not-so-young women who run around doing his bidding.
his office was amazing, it was huge and powerful looking with a massive desk and a conference table. it also had massive windows overlooking all of moscow. right below the window, he had put a picture of istambul. when i asked why, he explained that he wanted to be able to come into his office everyday and look down on the second rome, and then out at the third and final.......ooookaaaayyy.....
i doubt that someone with such a position in england would find the time to talk to a lowly phd student. but my russian supervisor found the time to listen to my questions, feed my Academy of Science chocolat (they have started producing their OWN chocolat bars!!!) and give me good recommendations. when i asked him if he knew where i could find some old books, he pressed the magic button on his desk and a little old lady came rushing in the room. he then rattle off the name of the books, and copies appeared within minutes.
"how could you ever bear to leave such a country?" asked my father on the telephone.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

this is insane and you know it!!!!
RAN chocolate?????
what books did you get???

naneh a dit…

yeah they have their own chocolates. they were made specially for the 60th (65th?) aniversary of the institute slavianovedenie which was apparently recently. i got given a bunch, which i left with caitlin.
the whole place is insane. but then we knew that. isnt that why we went to ceu?
i got all kinds of books, many written by my supervisor. he also gave me a collection of letter written by venelin to pogodin which i have to say is REALLY useful.