

i havent written very much rescently. things have been hectic. i had been finishing my paper that i have to present at a conference in budapest.
which is actually where i am now. i spent some quality time at my least favourite london airport (luton) before getting a place this afternoon to buda. everytime i come here i realise just how much i miss the place. the year i spent here was the best of my life, and i still regret the day i left. maybe i always will.
but the travels dont stop here, at least not for now. in one hour masyamba and i are taking the night train to serbia, where we will arrive at an ungodly 6:30 am. provided the train is on time, which is unlikely.....when were serbian trains EVER on time?

2 commentaires:

Tatiana a dit…

Luton was voted WORST UK airport last year, it really sucks! - i know, i've once spend a night there (luckily with a young-and-charming australian to-be pilot :))) Have a nice trip, and I am looking forward to seeing you in London and finally going for a drink!

Hugs to Masha.

naneh a dit…

ok drinks sometime later in tha week then? i come back to london in a few days, sadly...