i still have no big updates. i have spent the past 2 weeks locked in the library, when i am not shelving books of course.
i have been trying to finish a paper before i leave on monday, but that is not going to happen. i got to 7,000 words and suddenly ran out of inspiration. i hope that if i leave it and let it sit for awhile, i will get some more ideas...we shall see.
my big excitement every day is having lunch and coffee with various people i run into in the library.....sad, aye?
i have also tried, with limited success to befriend the photocopy ladies. it was all so much easier in moscow. i took the fotobaba there chocolat, and smiled nicely. she loved me. but it doesnt work here. here the fotoladies just growl everytime i hold the books incorrectly.
oh, the difficulties of life.
4 commentaires:
lunch and coffee are fine and not sad at all! besides, the weather's been so shit today that library was probably the best place to stay in anyway..
do they really have fotobabas (love the word!) at the BL?! how weird.. thank's god everything's self-service at the lse...
well the thing is it IS self service here, sort of. they have these fotobabas who watch you while you are copying and yell at you if you are doing it incorrectly, or even worse tryint to copy TWO PAGES on one A4. they are really foul tempered, even more so than the fotobabas at the lenin library!
what's wrong with copying 2 pages on one A4? it's supposed to be bloody ecological, isn't?
yeah but the librarians claim it hurts the spine of the book... i think they really just want that extra 20p
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