i really like cambridge. i had to go up there yesterday briefly as i am still registered with a GP there (and have found it next to immpossible to register with one here....which is just as well as i think the ones in cambridge are better anyway) and i needed shots for going to india, lots of them as it turned out.
i had lunch with paul, he is still hacking through his dissertation, a long process and not one i am looking forward to.
iain meanwhile was a bit tramatised. the vicar's wife is 4.5 months pregnant, which means it is not his, and she was actualyl already pregnant when they were together. ouch. but life goes on.
i miss cambridge sometimes, i have spent some of the best times of my life there.
4 commentaires:
Yes, it's the second best town in Britain!
so where is the best town then?
What, and have everyone g there and ruin it? Not blimin' likely!
Anyway, going back to another conversation elsewhwere, get your pencils out and have a go!
ok ok i know i should make an effort, but i dont like being humilated, even just in front of myself!!
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