i still have no big updates. i have spent the past 2 weeks locked in the library, when i am not shelving books of course.
i have been trying to finish a paper before i leave on monday, but that is not going to happen. i got to 7,000 words and suddenly ran out of inspiration. i hope that if i leave it and let it sit for awhile, i will get some more ideas...we shall see.
my big excitement every day is having lunch and coffee with various people i run into in the library.....sad, aye?
i have also tried, with limited success to befriend the photocopy ladies. it was all so much easier in moscow. i took the fotobaba there chocolat, and smiled nicely. she loved me. but it doesnt work here. here the fotoladies just growl everytime i hold the books incorrectly.
oh, the difficulties of life.