justin said these figures look like southern americans notions of canada. i guess it could also be west europeans vision of Russia. to me they looked like the piles created by the government snow removers (ie babushki) during the winter. when spring comes (ie in april) the snow melts of the streets and pavements, but it stays in these huge piles for what seems like forever. so that you can even have a warm day where people are wearing short sleeves and passing these huge pils on the streets.

i really like the tate modern. i also appreciate that it is FREE, something i really like about british museums.
we spent probably an hour in the Tate's book shop. it has a great collection of literary and art critisism. they were having a buy one get one free special on "introducing books" unable to resis i got four, with the money that i dont have. but i find the books really helpful in explaining things like semiotics that i am not terribly knowledgable about. so there is my reading for the weekend....
oh, and of course, when we came out of the musuem, it was pouring rain. so much for the nice sunny day away from the library! the rain continued for the whole rest of the afternoon and into the evening.
1 commentaire:
to be fair, it does look like snow from a distance....not that you have much of that in austrailia!
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