after the museum we made a tour of cool-shops-selling-things-we-cant-afford just beyond cambridge circuc. we went to fopp and magma and some book shops. and we lamented being poor students. such is life. but if i ever get a job that pays an ok salary, i am going to fill it with great books!
after our non-event shopping expedition, we went up to angel to see a film.
justin has introduced me to the idea of eating popcorn in a strange mixed way. he orders sweet oon the bottom and salty on the top. the first time he suggested this, it sounded odd, but the logic is sound. your tongue gets tired of the salt at some point, and then you get to the sweet part and it seems like a nice change all of a sudden. who would have thought?
so we saw transamerica, a road trip movie with a transexual and his/her son s/he didnt know s/he had. typically american, but it was ok i guess.
then the train home....
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