
the week's end

too much has happened in one week. it is the last one of the term and i just want it to be over...i had a meeting with my boss, because i really need to increase the number of hours i am working in order to live normally. i asked for a full time contract, which is apparently impossible since i am not accredited, but it looks like we might reach a compromise, in which case the number of minimum hours i am gauranteed will go up to a more livable amount. i should have the answer within a week, so fingers crossed...
i got a second supervisor as well. we met on tuesday. she claims to specialise in suicide, a jolly topic! she is very much in the same model as my first supervisor...
and in addition, i now have 30 books to read and a paper to write by some time in january...good thing i dont have any holiday plans (other than sitting in front of the computer, obviously)
it is thursday. i just got the "feedback" from my supervisor on my paper...and i am now hanging out in the lab waiting for gabor and kati to go for dinner- indian at kings cross!
one more day to get through and the week/term will be done
thank god

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