
shestov and confusion

i had a lecture yesterday on the supposedly great russian think lev shestov. i understood NOTHING. furthermore i somehow managed to pass the Russian state exam for post-grads in the subject of 20th century russian thought without ever hearing of this guy. i might add i got a 5 on the exam, which is the highest mark....so i find it a bit confusing that here i was sitting in london, unable to follow a lecture about a russian guy that my classmates (british, american and filipina) all seemed to get....and how was it that i hadnt read it before the professor wondered in surprise?
after the lecture, still confused, i met igor for coffee. i soon felt better as it emerged that he had got through aspirantura without hearing of the guy either! so we reached the conclusion that this was one of those russians-for-the-west.....that is the only explanation i can think of...
i gave igor my copy of день счастья завтра, i realise that he would never stoop to reading such female junk at home, but sometimes one misses reading russian...
afterwards i went to the library, where i couldnt find what i was looking for, so i ended up doing romanian homework instead. then i met gabor and we went for food....and gossip of course....


sunday morning in cambridge


i have spent weekend translating the CV and biography of a 93 rapper from french to english...then i got stuck translating some abstracts of a south african cambridge professor from english to french. they are for some french literary journal, so i have tried to make them as opaque as possible in the hopes that they will not actually read, but just appeciated for their opaqueness.
here is a sample:
Quoique les films Jean de Florette et Manon des sources (1986) fussent très applaudis par la critique, L’eau des collines, le livre de deux tomes, sur lequel les films sont basés, a attiré très peu d’attention. Ces articles-ci réparent une lacune dans le corps de la littérature existante en faisant l’analyse des représentations négligées du mal banal et du mal méphistophélique qui constituent une grande partie de l’intrigue de L’eau des collines. Les articles examinent aussi les aspects religieux qu’on trouve à coté du sujet du mal et qui fournissent en part l’antidote contre ce mal. Ces idées sont considérées dans le contexte de l’avis de Pagnol à propos du rôle du christianisme dans la vie.


question of the day

do english people have a bath tub fetish and why?

i've been busy

i have the feeling that i am running all over the place to get things done...but somehow not getting everything done.
i just realised it is friday. the past week went something like: lecture on smisl lubvi, drinks with igor, drinks with gabor, no drinks with razvan (he is even busier than i am and his 30 minutes of free time did not corespond with mine), i worked every single day and corrected endless essays, ran around to the computer centre, did 3 hours of paid testing for the psychology department, drinks with the slovak/czech/hungarian/swiss cambridge girls, two translations, one from english to french for a south african professor, one from french to english for a neuftrois rapper, tried to finish a 20 page paper, arguement with the cat who will not stop scratching, 6 job applications, P46 form to sort out my taxes, got invited to 2 formal dinners in cambridge but i have nothing to wear since the cat put my best two outfits in her used litter box.....agghhh
and i have to be at work in 40 minutes......



spent all yesterday running around london trying to get a few things accomplished....but no luck, inevitably every office i went to was closed due to "staff shortages" "lunch" or "staff illness" how is it possible for every office to be closed all the time? i have yet to figure out when the good time is to surprise these people ...the most annoying thing is that i knew in several of the cases that there were in fact poeple in the offices...i could hear them talking! this would be a normal lazy employee tactic in moscow, but i am surprised it is relevant here to in england! i thought this place was supposed to be more developped!
i can leave in 7 months!


harsh english reality

back to work....i spent the whole day running....i managed to get to work and then run to the train station in order to get to some place near the london bridge where i had a job interview....i couldnt believe it. they offered me the job (to be a market researcher, which is pretty cool) on the condition that I WORK FOR FREE fOR THE FIRST THREE MONTHS! i couldnt believe this. this is almost an insult, or at least so i thought, until i consulted my new neighbour paul. paul is my consultant on obscure aspects of british culture and university life. he claimed that this was all normal, that companies know there are zillions of eager graduates out there willing to work....even for free....
i am disappointed though since the job looked really interesting and i could have made a lot of useful connections.....but i need to eat at the same time, dont i?
after this i headed for a pub near the uni for a round of drinks with razvan....we talked about moldova, hot spot that it is!
after that i met gabor near the british museum and we stuffed ourselves on "cheap" indian food....and talked about romanian grammer (another hot topic)
i am now in a cafe and listening to the conversations around me (the ones that are in languages i understand that is) there is a group of cambridge kids next to me...
"so are you going to be able to go back to iran?"
"right, well my father has connections in high places, so i imagine things shall work out"
"oh right isnt that handy"
the "iranian' appears about as dark as i am and is in designer clothes....but then, arent they all?


foto incompetance

these bloody english take forever to do anything...i put in my film today, but one of the rolls will not be ready for TEN WORKING DAYS! all this just because the film was black and white! in france that is an overnight! i dont get it!
so in the meantile here are some fotos lifted from jeronimo!


four days in lisbon where i had not been in four years.
the european union resembles the soviet union in the sense that the supposed wealthy centres somehow seem worse of than the supposed poorer periphery. georgians and uzbeks always somehow seemed to live better than the guys up in moscow, even though the latter was supposedly the capital and centre. in the same way, it is odd how the living standards in athens or lisbon seem higher than in london or dublin....of course i guess part of this is the climate, it is just easier to be happy in a place that has sun than it is under the constant northern drizzle. but i think it also has to do with the wealthier countries fucked up price structure and badly distributed wealth. my friends in lisbon have nicer homes and half my income....hmmmm
so lemurana and nuno picked me up at the aeroport.
i arrived in porto aeroport actually which seems and incredible waste of space....the place was completely empty both coming and going. i dont think i have even seen such an empty public space before....fotos to follow....
nuno then drove us to lisbon. during the next few days i ate entirely too much and enjoyed the climate. the last day was beautiful, sunny, and warm. i was walking about in a short sleeve shirt with a light sweater on top....and then i arrived back at stansted where it was a nice 5 degrees and raining (of course!)
a big thanks to lemurana for her hospitality and a big hello to janet, nuno and jeronimo!


tribute to stansted

there are so many fragments of latinate languages that i wonder if the arabs were not right to preserve their holy language at the expense of the venacular. I strain and my brain gets muddled as some kid is speaking to me in portuguese and the girl seated next to me tries to answer in italian....since i had just failed to make myself understood to the kid in french....the kid is walking around with her bear and whe wants to seat him between us but the bear is big and so is our luggage....in the end we accommodate the bear for a lack of an apporopriate means of refusing.
there is an FCUK in stansted to my surprise so i kill some minutes in there...but i havent got enough cash on me to do serious damage. stansted is way better than luton or beauvais (but then what could be worse than beauvais?)
the plane is stuffed with the predicatable portuguese gastarbeiters combined with plump british girls going on holiday with their pudgy punk dandies. at least half of the british guys pull a beer out of the jackets as the sit down on the plane....they then get progressively louded throughout the flight, as do the children of whom there are far too many....one of the little english brats wont stop howling and i have a fantasy of chucking him out the window....


academic parties

yesterday had coffee with razvan and then headed to a party given by my supervisor>>>the best thing i can stay is that there was a lot of alcohol and it was pretty good...the people on the other hand were abit strange. the majority seemed incapable of talking about anything besides their research topic....so i found myself listening to a guy talk about some odd jewish community in poland and crimea who speak a turkic language and dont mix with ashkenazim>> as there are only 40 such jews left, this seems to be a hot topic, or at least a well funded one>>>>
the funny thing was that guy who was enlightening me on minority jewish groups turned out to have don his MA at......CEU>>>>there seems to be a mafia of us!
i am off to the airport


i have been busy

It has been an odd few days
I will try to be cronological:
sadly, i had to take my dad to the aeroport, which means i have to start doing my own cooking again ....such is life...
Then i met razvan for some comiserating about the difficult lives of underfunded students...since he is romanian, he is only allowed to work legally 20 hours per week, on campus. So he has the thrilling task of reshelving books in the science library, and even this barely pays him enough to live on...but it is that or nothing at all...having compared our sad financial situations, we moved on to ceu gossip....and inexhaustible source of conversation!
Next i trotted over to the british library to meet oliver garyachi estonski paren! I hadnt seen the guy since march when i ran into him in tallinn, but he had to come on business to london, and so...there he was!
The amazing thing was that he got to stay for the duration of his trip in one of the most expensive hotels in london! He works for hilton, so he got a huge suite in one of their most expensive areas!!!i couldnt believe it, i mean this is OLIVER, the guy who didnt bother handing in his graduation thesis!!! Slightly over one year after NOT graduating, he is staying 5 star hotels in major capitals! Life sometimes does not seem fair. But then again, he was generous, i got to stay Sunday night i the hotel too. In the evening we walked all around london, and went to canary warf, which looks like a london la defense, and was equally empty on a Sunday night as i imagine la defense would be!
After our tour we went back to the hotel and plopped ourselves in the bar/lounge where oliver gets a 50% discount.....

Massive buffet breakfast at hilton.
I then tried to go to the university to plead for funding, but that got me no where...as usual...so i left the uni and went back to the british museum where oliver was wandering around egyptian statues...we then walked to the national gallery, which is huge....
In the evening we met gabor for drinks near the british library (gabor’s home basically) and exchanged ceu gossip...for the second time in as many days....

I had to go to work, and oliver wandered around, having spent the night on my couch...we then made a tour of the areas pubs....and exchanged ceu gossip, despite him claiming that men dont gossip....

Wednesday:Oliver hopped the train for stansted to get a flight to amsterdam...i went to work....just as i was leaving work in the afternoon, i got an sms from him, already pubbing in holland....and i went home to clean!



voilà les nouvelles de MSN

Nette décrue des émeutes, début de l'application de l'état d'urgence AFP 09.11.2005 - 18:58
De nombreux préfets ont choisi mercredi de ne pas décréter pour le moment un couvre-feu dans leur département contre les violences urbaines, en raison de la décrue qui a marqué la treizième nuit consécutive d'incidents, surtout dénombrés en province.
Au total, 617 véhicules ont été incendiés dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi et 280 personnes interpellées.
En milieu d'après-midi, le couvre-feu n'était instauré pour les mineurs que dans une partie des Alpes-Maritimes et à Amiens (Somme), Rouen, Elboeuf et Le Havre (Seine-maritime). Dans le quartier de la Madeleine à Evreux, la mesure concernait aussi les majeurs. Les préfets des départements d'Ile-de-France avaient décidé de ne pas faire usage du couvre-feu pour l'instant.
Le décret instituant l'état d'urgence "à compter du 9 novembre 2005 à zéro heure" a été publié mercredi au Journal officiel. Les préfets des 25 départements concernés pourront notamment décider des mesures de restriction de circulation des personnes et/ou des véhicules, dans des lieux et périmètres déterminés, selon des horaires précis.
Ils pourront aussi instituer des zones de protection ou de sécurité où le séjour des personnes sera réglementé, et interdire l'accès à tout ou partie d'un département à toute personne cherchant à entraver l'action des pouvoirs publics.
Le ministre de l'Intérieur peut notamment prendre des mesures d'assignation à résidence ou de "remise des armes". Des perquisitions nocturnes pourront être également ordonnées soit par le ministre, soit par les préfets.
Ce recours au couvre-feu a été accueilli favorablement par 73% des Français, selon un sondage CSA publié mercredi par Le Parisien/Aujourd'hui en France.
Soulignant la "baisse très importante" du nombre de voitures brûlées dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi, le directeur de cabinet de Nicolas Sarkozy au ministère de l'Intérieur, Claude Guéant, a annoncé que 1.800 personnes avaient été interpellées depuis le début des violences, le 27 octobre, et 178 personnes écrouées.
Le ministère de la Justice a pour sa part indiqué que 130 personnes majeures ont été condamnées à des peines d'emprisonnement ferme depuis le début des émeutes.
A l'Assemblée nationale, M. Sarkozy a demandé aux préfets d'expulser tous les étrangers condamnés dans ce cadre, y compris les titulaires d'un titre de séjour. "120 étrangers, pas tous en situation irrégulière, ont été condamnés" et "j'ai demandé aux préfets qu'ils soient expulsés sans délai de notre territoire national, y compris ceux qui ont un titre de séjour", a-t-il dit.
Selon le directeur général de la police nationale (DGPN), Michel Gaudin, 280 émeutiers présumés ont été interpellés dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi, le nombre des communes touchées par les violences a baissé, passant de 226 à 196, et un seul policier a été légérement touché.
En province, 467 voitures ont été brûlées, tandis qu'en Ile-de-France, il y en a eu 150 (contre 240 la veille), selon M. Gaudin.
Selon Claude Guéant, 11.500 agents des forces de l'ordre étaient "sur le pont" dans la nuit, soit un millier de plus que la nuit précédente. Deux cents membres de la réserve de la police nationale et un millier de gendarmes réservistes ont été mobilisés.
Dans le Nord, 78 véhicules ont été incendiés et 25 personnes interpellées, toujours principalement dans l'agglomération de Lille (63 véhicules brûlés), "du mieux" par rapport aux trois nuits précédentes, selon la préfecture.
Dans la Somme, où un couvre-feu pour les mineurs de moins de 16 ans avait été décrété à Amiens et dans son agglomération de 0H00 à 6H00, sept véhicules ont été incendiés. En vertu de ce couvre-feu, deux mineurs ont été interceptés par les forces de l'ordre et remis à leurs parents.
Les violences ont également perdu en intensité dans le Grand Ouest, notamment à Nantes et Rennes. Dans les départements du Grand Est, la baisse est significative.
Par ailleurs, le troisième suspect impliqué dans le meurtre de l'homme battu à mort à Epinay-sur-Seine (Seine-Saint-Denis), le 27 octobre, s'est constitué prisonnier mercredi matin au commissariat central de Limoges.
Enfin, six personnes ont été interpellées mercredi matin dans le quartier de la Grande-Borne à Grigny (Essonne) dans le cadre de l'enquête sur des tirs de grenaille ayant atteint des policiers dimanche soir


AGGHGHH! ce mec n'a jamais vecu dans le 93....il ne comprend rien.....

le ministre de l'intérieur, Nicolas Sarkozy, a demandé aux préfets d'expulser tous les étrangers condamnés dans le cadre des violences urbaines des treize dernières nuits, "y compris" les titulaires d'un titre de séjour, a-t-il annoncé, mercredi 9 novembre, à l'Assemblée nationale.
"J'ai demandé aux préfets que les étrangers, qui sont en situation régulière ou irrégulière, qui ont fait l'objet d'une condamnation, soient expulsés sans délai de notre territoire, y compris ceux qui ont un titre de séjour", a-t-il précisé."Quand on a l'honneur d'avoir un titre de séjour, le moins que l'on puisse dire c'est que l'on n'a pas à se faire arrêter en train de provoquer des violences urbaines", a ajouté le ministre.Cent vingt étrangers, pas tous en situation irrégulière, ont été condamnés à ce titre, selon le ministre de l'intérieur lors des questions d'actualité à l'Assemblée nationale.

Le ministre de l'intérieur a fait cette déclaration alors qu'il s'était prononcé contre la double peine.


blue rinse set

tonight was a big dinner party given by some friends of my dads friends....my dad was, at 73, the youngest there, myself excluded....everyone else was about 80. there was a lot of talk about the war....and consequently about potatoes....thrilling stuff.....


surreal encounters

today was an exceptionally strange day...i went to london since i had a meeting with my supervisor....it was ok, she bought me coffee and we talked....i will see her again next month...pretty simple....except that i have a theoretical essay to write before then....such is life.
after meeting with her i had to run over quickly to the science library. i had only been there once before (since i dont really have much reason to use it) but i wanted to find a book about india that according to the computer was located in the anthropology section, which is logically in the science library. so i went in...but i couldnt find the book. the computer claimed it was on the shelf...but it wasnt...while i was looking i saw a guy reshelving books and i said "excuse me but i cant seem to find...." then i looked into to his eyes, which are the bluest i have ever seen...but then i realised i had seen them before....so instead of logically finishing my sentance with the book i shrieked "SHIT, YOU WERE IN MY HUNGARIAN CLASS!"
and we both started laughing. really wierd, the guy is romanian and we were really in the same hungarian class in budapest 2 years ago...i dont have the full story yet, since i was in a hurry to meet my dad, but he said that he was working last year in istambul and now he is doing an phd in anthropology. the department gave him a tuition waver, but he doesnt get a stipend, hence the library job!!! the world is clearly a very small place....
we exchanged numbers so i will get the whole story of istambul from him later i imagine...
so after this rather odd encounter, i went to the pizza place with my dad to meet gabor (another face from hungary) and my dad bought us both pizza. we really were pigs: a bottle of wine, huge pizzas, dessert...everything. gabor and my dad trashed kavkaz men, and i accused them of just being jealous....it was funny....
when i first moved here i thought i would know no one, but it seems i know quite a lot of people indeed. funny how the past keeps returning!



i did the one you suggested, but your result cant be worse than this!


why poland?

In a Past Life...

You Were: An Evil Cannibal.

Where You Lived: Poland.

How You Died: Natural causes.

enjoying the weather

so we are enjoying what are surely the last moments of decent weather..the cat meanwhile is enjoying her funnel collar a bit less....