
updates, paris again

so i have started getting complaints about not writing any updates as of late.
I apologise. i have been busy.
i started a new job at the beginning of May, in some ways with mixed feelings. I had had a good time at the old place, and as everyone knows, i certainly had plenty of adventures. but it became clear the time had come to move on. so a month into my new career, i can definitely say it was a good move, even though i still have a lot to learn.
to answer the question everyone has been asking- yes i will still be travelling, although perhaps not quite as much, and not to such interesting places, sadly. my first trip with my new company was to the exact same city as my last trip with the old one- Paris. my general views on that city are rather well known, but even so, it turned out to be a pleasant trip. the weather could not have been better, it was about 28 degrees and sunny the whole time. in the end, the whole thing turned into a bit of a culinary excursion, as I was in the company of some foodie, which gave me a good excuse to return (with an expense account) to some of my favourite haunts, eat some of my favourite foods, and even get a bit of work done on the side.
I dont know how long i will stay in this new company. i am thinking 1-2 years. i think they might be good.

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