
called on the spot

a Canadian company calls me in for my supposedly expert views on a variety of matters. over the course of 30 minutes or so, the man asks me a whole series of questions on Russia, and i stumble along giving my views. on the one hand it felt like having a chat down the pub, and i would have preferred a bit of whisky to loosen my tongue, but i was aware in this case that everything i said would be overanalysed in a way pub pronouncements rarely are. What will Russia look like socially and politically in 5 years? if you were an investor, in which companies would you be investing? what are the countries greatest internal and external risks?
finally, part way through one statement or another, i stopped and pointed out that if i genuinely had definitive answers to such questions, i would be a very rich person indeed. unfortunately, however, i have no crystal ball and am thus reduced to my own opinion. the whole process made me feel terribly inadequate.

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