i got up at 4 am. the zholti taxi arrived at 4:30.
the one good thing about having such an obscenely early flight is that early morning is the only time in moscow when there are not trafic jams. the roads were almost completely deserted and we got to sheremetevo in a record 23 minutes. normally it takes over an hour. it was already dawn, so i got a great view of the lovely enormous soviet flat blocks that line the route to the aeroport. millions of people must live in those areas.....it reminds me a bit of department 93.
I got upgraded to business class at the check in, and i ended up next to a wonderful exam of russian dyevdom: a teenage girl travelling to paris to go shopping. not only was she wearing all designer clothes....but she had a little yorkshire dog with her outfitted in the latest louis vuitton doggie accessories and traveling in a louis vuitton dog carrying case. he made sounds of neglect every time the dyev tried to read her gala magazine (or vogue, or bazarre).
i hate sheremetevo. i cant believe after all these years they havent cleaned it up at least a bit. there were all of two officers working at the passport control, and it took forever to get through the queue. plus the duty free sucks....and it is not as if people going through that place lack in disposible income, at least judging by my neighbour's appearence....
1 commentaire:
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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