
random Germany

like the UK, Germany stands out in Europe for it’s apparent habit of sticking large multinational corporates in totally random places. Just as in the UK where you find yourself constantly having to go to Leeds or Liverpool to see a major company, so today in Germany I find myself in places like Karlsruhe and Stuttgart.

My feelings on Germany have been well documented already on this blog. I cant stand the place. Only Berlin is mildly tolerable, the rest makes my skin crawl. Some people have tried to suggest that it is wartime era prejudice inherited from my father. it isnt. there is simply far too much law and order in this place for me to be able to function. it is too clean and too organised and it all makes me want to scream. i also feel lost in the absence of a proper metropolis. Germany has no really great cities. Berlin is the best, but even it is quite provincial, and the rest is infinitely more so. the companies i deal with are remarkably inward looking, they have no clue what is going on elsewhere in Europe as they have no real growth ambitions, they are happy to stick in the german market. in fact, compared to the other places i have been going to lately, people here seem almost indecently happy, if not smug! they don’t moan about the economy! they talk of buying new cars! Downtown Stuttgart is packed with shops and shopping centres, and even on a random monday afternoon they all seem busy, there is just something unbearably successful about this place that drives me mad! there is too much self contentment- it just isnt right! i start to panic, there can only be one cure- i book a ticket to moscow for this weekend

get me out of this stinking fresh air!

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