
the first summer bash

according to the bbc, it has been the rainest three months since records began in the 18th century. it rained literally non-stop from may until this week. several people died in the floodings and property damage reached the into the billions of pounds. it has all been incredibly bleak and depressing....and cold with temperatures around 17 degrees.
so it seemed something like a miracle when 2 days ago the rain STOPPED. and it has been at least partly sunny since. now in a normal country, this would seem like normal weather, but here where we have used to such greyness, it seems miraculous. and it was the perfect weather for the triplets birthday bash which took place last night in Angel. it was my very first ever birthday party for triplets, and it was good fun. we started with dinner,and from there moved on to a bar where various people showed up and we had cocktails and took loads of silly photographs....it was good fun, and it felt like finnally (in AUGUST!) we were having the first proper party of the summer season!

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

May I remind you that it's currently fairly dark outside and will piss any minute?

PS: Was the mistory surrounding the pidgeon solved? (See my previous comment on that subject.)

naneh a dit…

i know. and it did piss down this afternoon as i was trying to have my lunch in front of the library. just my luck.

Tatiana a dit…

Hey, where are you moving to? Farringdon?