

i havent had the chance to write anything about what i actually got up to outside the airports...but now i am already back in russia. if you want to know what i have been up to in the past 30 hours, just look at the airport entries, but in reverse. it was a long trip back, flying out of a corn feild yesterday morning and getting in to moscow this afternoon. i havent even been to my house yet. my not-terrbily-understanding boss didnt give me today off, so i am killing 45 minutes in an internet cafe before heading into work....with my suitcases in tow. mondays i work late, starting only at 7pm, so in my boss's mind i didnt need the day off, as my plane came in at 4. grrr. oh well, i suppose on one hand it is better to save the holiday days for when i really want them....but on the other hand, i have been on airplanes in 5 cities for the past 30 hours, and i smell.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.