all book sellers where i work have been asked to come up with their 20th century favourite books for a special to be run later this year. it is quite difficult to come up with your personal top ten on command. there are so many that i am sure i forgot as i submitted my piece of paper to the boss. when ever i do these things i am always overinfluenced by what i have read most recently, what i am reading now, what happens to be put in front of me, and so on. but here is what i came up with:
1. la vie devant soi (Gary)
2. 100 anos de soledad (garcia marquez)
3. broken april (kadare)
4. master and margarita (bulgakov)
5. les buddenbrooks (mann)
6. casa de los espiritus (allende)
7. god of small things (roy)
8. midnight's children (rushdie)
9. ubistvo s predumisljajem (selenic)
10. ohota na ovets (murakami)
and i have a huge pile in front of me waiting to be read.....