

I have never liked Gatwick airport. I just don’t see how it could be convenient for anyone. It is far from the centre, and unlike Luton, has the pretension of being a real international airport. The shopping is rubbish, and the ticket to get there ridiculously overpriced. I have also always thought it smelled. And yet, despite my efforts to avoid the place, I still unfortunately end up from time to time cooling my heels in the building, watching the people stagger about, dazed from jet lag, discussing their trip that has just come to an end, or the one that is just about to begin. I yawn and wait for my plane. It boards from gate 1, and the waiting room must be 45 degrees, stuffed as it is with English louts waiting for the wild adventures they imagine they are off to, and no ventilation system. The flight must be 85 percent male, and almost exclusively between the ages of 20 and 30. Such are the folk would board flights to Amsterdam!!

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