
last day of class...

the past few days have been extremely warm and beautiful, so i took my au pair class to the botanical gardens in order to have our last class in a more relaxed enviornment. it was really nice and we were entertained by english guys doing cartwheels all over the place...then today (my last official day at work) there was a party on the back patio with piles of cake which i naturally dug into with gusto...i have enjoyed my job this past year...not the greatest salary i have ever had, but nice collegues and students, which is important. good luck to all of them!

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Sunny in England! Good for you naneh.

Anonyme a dit…

Thanks for being the cat of the great teacher we had the last few months ! Good luck to her too

naneh a dit…

yes it seems that somtimes (although rarely) there is a bit of sun here....of course it does not compare to your sun in lisbon lemurana, but we have to appreciate it nonetheless....
and thank you so much aymone, i shall tell my servant of your kind words!

Anonyme a dit…

Salut julie

Il fait vraiment beau sur ces photos … Vous avez beaucoup de chance car chez nous le printemps et vraiment moche (vent, froid et gris …).
Profite bien de ton séjour dans ce beau pays. Bisous.


naneh a dit…

behn je ne peux pas dire qu'il est vraiment beau au printemps en angleterre.....
et qui est julie?